Josuttis C++20  C++20 - The Complete Guide

Cover C++20

Available in print now: C++20 - The Complete Guide

by Nicolai M. Josuttis

  • Giving guidance on how to use the new language and library features of C++20
  • For programmers, who already know C++ and want to switch to the brand new features of C++20

This book was written and published incrementally (step-by-step) at leanpub, so that you can benefit from it without waiting until all is done.
The first public version was available in June 2021.
However, I am done. The book is complete (having 764 pages).

C++20 is the latest evolution in modern C++ programming, which will soon become supported by the latest version of GCC, Clang, and Visual C++.

It is a big step, maybe even bigger than C++11 was. It contains a couple of new key features (modules, concepts, ranges, corountines) plus several small but valuable language and library features, which will change the way we program in C++. This applies to both application programers and programmers providing foundation libraries.

This book will present all the new language and library features of C++20. It will cover the motivation and context of each new feature with examples and background information. As usual for books by Nicolai Josuttis, the focus lies on the application of the new features in practice and will demonstrate how features impact day-to-day programming and how to benefit from them in projects.

Nicolai M. Josuttis is well known in the programming community for his authoritative books and talks. For more than 20 years he is a member of the C++ Standard Committee. He is the (co-)author of several worldwide best-sellers, including

The book is now available as printed book:

Nicolai M. Josuttis
C++20 - The Complete Guide
Hardcover (recommended due to 764 pages):
  ISBN-13:    978-3-96730-920-1
  ISBN-10: 3-96730-920-7
  ISBN-13:    978-3-96730-020-8
  ISBN-10: 3-96730-017-X

Table of Content:

Note that you can also book inhouse trainings about Modern C++ and C++20 (both the language and its standard library) .

Copyright 2021 by Nicolai M. Josuttis
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